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Transformational Learning for Your Mind, Body, and Soul

September 18 – November 15, 2015



The DYWC Advanced Studies Program is designed to fuel your personal transformation, by broadening and deepening your understanding of yoga and wellness. You’ll emerge with a strong and sustainable yoga practice, and a new awareness of the many ways to nurture your mind, body and soul.


With this program, you’ll:

·       Learn about yoga philosophy, history and anatomy

·       Advance your asana practice and break through plateaus

·       Learn when and how to modify your practice, to honor your body’s distinctive needs

·       Incorporate breathing techniques, meditation and relaxation postures into your practice

·       Explore your physical capabilities and push your boundaries in a healthy, empowering way

·       Discover approaches beyond yoga, including qigong, nutrition and intuition

·       Grow on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual


The program is spread over 7 weekends, from mid-September through mid-November. See the tentative schedule and class descriptions below.


Enrollment is limited to 15 students, and all levels are welcome.


We hope you’ll join us in this new opportunity to learn and grow!

Enroll Now!

Program Tuition: $697

Or...Purchase an Hourly Class Card


Pick and choose from among any of the 21 workshops in the program - for example, purchase a 10-hour card, and attend any 5 of the 2-hour workshops.


10 Hour Card - $200

20 Hour Card - $360

30 Hour Card - $480


Friday, Sep 18 | 6:30 – 8:30 pm

A Deeper Look at Yoga - Walter Hurd

What will happen to your life when you conduct a serious, committed yoga practice? In this interactive class, you’ll learn how yoga asanas, practiced on a regular basis, positively affect the mind, emotions, and body. A steady yoga practice leads to healing and enlightening changes that can accelerate your evolution, through an inner surrendering of all that doesn't belong. This yoga-induced inner purification process leads you to a unique freedom in life - a life expressed from the uniqueness of Self, bringing with it the joys of loving service from your unique contribution to Life.


Saturday, Sep 19 | 1:00 – 4:00 pm

Asana Practice: Inversions - Dorinda Nyberg

Inversions - defined as any yoga pose where the head is below the heart - are a regular part of any comprehensive yoga practice.  Inversions can be very exhilarating and give us a childlike sense of invincibility; the physical and psychological benefits are numerous.  Reversing gravity sheds new light on old patterns of behaving and being. In this session, you’ll learn basic inversion terminology, anatomy and physiology; inversion safety and preparation; and practice several inverted postures.  


Sunday, Sep 20 | 2:00 – 4:00 pm     

Radiant Heart Qigong - Choan Tim Cook

Qigong (pronounced Chee-Gong) is a practice of aligning body, breath and mind, for health and meditation. Its literal translation is "life energy cultivation". With roots in Chinese medicine, philosophy and martial arts, qigong is traditionally viewed as a practice to cultivate and balance qi (chi), or "life energy". Qigong recognizes, honors, and nourishes this energy aspect of our being. In this session, you’ll practice standing meditation, sitting meditation, and in-motion practices that empower you with calm clear energy, strength and vibrant health – bringing peace to the body, heart and spirit.

Friday, Sep 25 | 6:30 – 8:30 pm     

Functional Anatomy of Yoga I - Kathleen Genereux

Learn the basics of your anatomical self. We will locate and become familiar with the functions of several key muscle groups,

bones and organs that support our yoga practice.


The required book for this class is "Yoga Anatomy-2nd Edition" by Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews.

You can find it at Amazon for under $15. Please bring your book to class.


Saturday, Sep 26 | 1:00 – 4:00 pm     

Asana Practice: Backbends - Dorinda Nyberg

Backbends - defined as a backward arch of the body that opens the chest and heart energy center - are by far some of the most beneficial postures you can engage in. A true backbend maximizes backbending action of the hips, shoulder and upper back, while minimizing strain on the lower back. In this session, these poses will become accessible through a gentle, safe and deliberate unfolding of the body.  Fundamental concepts and foundations will be discussed and practiced.


Sunday, Sep 27 | 2:00 – 4:00 pm     

Kundalini Yoga & Chakra Balancing - Kelli Sat Siri Kaur

Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of awareness, aiming to increase vitality and consciousness through sound, breath and movement.  It strengthens the energetic system, immune system, nervous system, and circulatory system; balances the endocrine system; and promotes overall health.  Kundalini Yoga combines conscious breathing, guided movement, simple postures, stretching, rhythm and sound.  Chanting, either silently or out loud, is an important aspect of Kundalini Yoga, setting vibrations in motion that tune and balance the seven major chakras. 

Friday, Oct 2 | 6:30 – 8:30 pm     

Yoga Fundamentals: Shoulders - Casey Case

No need to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders! In this class, we will explore the common tension carrying zone of the shoulders.  We will discuss basic shoulder anatomy, common injuries and their prevention; and asanas for shoulder health.  With better understanding of how our shoulder functions we can promote better shoulder health.


Saturday, Oct 3 | 1:00 – 4:00 pm     

The Healing Body: Let Food Be Your Medicine - Gerald Roliz

Understand which foods optimally nourish the body, mind and spirit, and learn how pharmaceuticals may potentially interfere with the process. Attendees are encouraged to bring the names of medications they or loved ones may be taking, and a 3 day food diary of every food or beverage consumed. Attendees will fill out a nutritional assessment questionnaire prior to the class. Expect to emerge from this session with nutritional solutions to optimize every aspect of health, and with significant tools to guide others to become healthy and un-medicated.


Sunday, Oct 4 | 2:00 – 4:00 pm     

Sacred Andean Despacho Ceremony - Maria Haswell

In the Andean traditions of Peru, a despacho is a ceremonial offering to Pachamama (Mother Earth) and the Apus (Mountain Spirits). It heals us by restoring the connections we share with all helping beings, elements, spirits, and sacred places. A despacho ceremony is a powerful way to "dispatch" or "ship" your prayers off to the powers that be; set your intentions and let them go; and manifest your dreams. In this fun and creative class, you’ll learn the foundational elements and form of the despacho, and assemble your very own ceremonial despacho bundle to be offered.

Friday, Oct 16 | 6:30 – 8:30 pm     

Functional Anatomy of Yoga II - Kathleen Genereux

Discover how to use your muscles, bones, organs and breath to create foundation, extension, stability and balanced,

conscious movement in your body, mind and spirit. Please bring your Yoga Anatomy book to class.


Saturday, Oct 17 | 1:00 – 4:00 pm     

Asana Practice: Twists - Dorinda Nyberg

Twists are defined as the act of twisting the shoulder girdle to face in an opposing direction in relation to the hips.  This movement informs our understanding of how one part of the body affects another, more distant part – a central tenet of yoga.  Twists invigorate and cleanse the abdominal organs, stimulate digestion, teach thoracic expansion and breathing, improve posture, plump vertebral discs, and increase spinal mobility.  In this session, fundamental twist concepts & principles, anatomy, and foundations will be presented and practiced.


Sunday, Oct 18 | 2:00 – 4:00 pm     

Meditation and Intuition - Maria Haswell

Meditation brings the peace and power of mindfulness into your everyday life. Intuition, like music, is a language expressed through individual talent, commitment and education.  This interactive class will help you develop and cultivate meditation and intuition, through exercises Maria has developed over the years as a practitioner and facilitator of the intuitive arts. These exercises will reveal how inherently intuitive you are, and connect you more closely to the divine intelligence that permeates our being. We’ll integrate mindfulness and intuition practices with meditation, energy awareness, spirituality, and personal experiences to support you in your journey toward positive life changes, greater health, balance, and personal growth.

Friday, Oct 23 | 6:30 – 8:30 pm     

Yoga Fundamentals: Hands and Feet - Irene Hodge

The foundation for a yoga pose is whatever is on the ground - and quite often, that’s the hands and feet. From standing poses, to balance poses, to somewhere in between like Down Dog, how we use our hands and feet is important. In this class, we’ll practice different asanas with an emphasis on the positioning of the hands and feet. We’ll explore how small adjustments can create changes to the entire pose, and learn how an open approach to your poses can help you reinvigorate your practice.


Saturday, Oct 24 | 1:00 – 4:00 pm     

A Short History of Yoga - Missie Miranda

Understanding the roots of yoga, and how it evolved, plays an important role in getting the most out of your yoga practice.  Using several resources, including Richard Rosen's 'Original Yoga: Rediscovering Traditional Practices of Hatha Yoga" as a guideline, we’ll take a journey through the development of hatha yoga as we know it today.


Sunday, Oct 25 | 2:00 – 4:00 pm     

Sun Salutations: A Salute to the Morning - Missie Miranda

Experience the benefits of this dynamic style of yoga that links movement and breath while opening the body and clearing the mind. In this class, we’ll demystify the sequence of the Sun Salutation. You’ll learn the correct alignment of each pose; how to flow through "your vinyasa" in a safe way; and how to personalize your vinyasa practice with modifications. You’ll also learn some Sun Salutation facts for beginners. 

Friday, Nov 6 | 6:30 – 8:30 pm     

Functional Anatomy of Yoga III - Kathleen Genereux

Look more deeply into how your breath works to support wellness, happiness and energy in your physical, emotional and energetic body.

It is important to bring your Anatomy of Yoga book to class.


Saturday, Nov 7 | 1:00 – 4:00 pm     

Asana Practice: Forward Folds - Dorinda Nyberg

In yoga, forward bending is referred to as a stretching of the west (back) side of the body - flexion of the spine.  It’s considered the most intense and difficult category of yoga poses, because of what it asks of our body, and more importantly our ego.  If practiced safely and with regularity, they can calm the brain, relieve stress and mild depression, improve circulation, and ease insomnia.   Forward folds improve flexibility and strength in the legs, knees, calves, spine and hips.   In this session, fundamental concepts and principles, anatomy, and foundations will be presented and practiced.


Sunday, Nov 8 | 2:00 – 4:00 pm     

Self-Realization through Compassionate Food, Sacred Movement, and Ancient Scripture - Jenna Pacelli

Yoga is the art and science of self-development and Self Realization, distinguishing the real from the unreal. It allows the dedicated practitioner to achieve radiant levels of health, mental clarity and spiritual evolution. Mastery of the essential elements of yoga, the eight limbs, is the path to liberation. Through the yamas and niyamas, the ethical precepts of yoga, a diet that promotes harmony in the body and mind, and the study of scripture, meditation becomes easier, more advanced postures become accessible, and we elevate our consciousness. This results in profound levels of peace, clarity, happiness and joy, regardless of external circumstances. 

Friday, Nov 13 | 6:30 – 8:30 pm     

Yoga Fundamentals: Hip Openers - Dorinda Nyberg

The hips and pelvis support the weight of the body in both static and dynamic postures. They are the most important parts in retaining balance, and the single most important element of human body posture. Strong and flexible hips can improve spinal alignment, shoulder and arm stability, and leg/knee/foot mobility.  In this session, hip muscular and skeletal kinesiology will be explored, as well as the nuances of hip alignment in a variety of yoga asanas.


Saturday, Nov 14 | 1:00 – 4:00 pm     

Pranayama: Moving Deeper Into the Breath - Irene Hodge

Pranayama is the breath work of yoga - the movement of prana. It’s so important in the yoga tradition that it’s considered one of the Eight Limbs of yoga. Pranayama is unique, as it straddles the physical asana practice, and the mental, more meditative practices of yoga. In this workshop, we’ll begin by observing the breath, and how this observation affects the mind and the body. Best practices for both reclined and seated Pranayama practice will be explored. Finally, you’ll learn different methods of breath manipulation, their effects, and when they are appropriate.


Sunday, Nov 15 | 2:00 – 4:00 pm     

Restorative Yoga - Irene Hodge

Restorative yoga helps counteract every day stresses, by allowing you to unplug - whether by inserting one pose into an asana practice, or combining several restorative poses for a deeply relaxing and renewing practice. It can also help when the body or the mind are in crisis – for example, when recovering from illness or injury, or to alleviate grief or depression. In this session, you’ll learn about the science behind Restorative yoga, and the reasoning behind particular poses. You’ll also learn how to set yourself up in the poses, and what props are important to help you set up for the ideal experience.

Enroll Now!

Program Tuition: $697


Or...Purchase an Hourly Class Card


Pick and choose from among any of the 21 workshops in the program - for example, purchase a 10-hour card, and attend any 5 of the 2-hour workshops.


10 Hour Card - $200

20 Hour Card - $360

30 Hour Card - $480


Will the classes be offered individually?


Probably not. The intent of the Advanced Studies Program is to offer you an immersive experience, where you dedicate yourself to completing the entire program, so you can reap the full benefit. Taking a few classes individually doesn’t have the impact of committing yourself to an immersive program like this. And, the program is likely to sell out, so there won’t be space available for individual drop-ins.

Is this program ok for beginners?


Yes. Just like our regular classes, the teachers are prepared to accommodate all levels of experience.



Is this a teacher training program?


No – it’s not a teacher training program. It’s designed to help you build a stronger personal practice. And it’s not just about yoga – you’ll learn other practices and approaches to wellness that can benefit your mind, body and soul, like nutrition, qigong, acupressure, meditation, and intuition.


Sounds like it would be physically challenging to attend three days in a row on weekends.


Actually, the weekends are structured so that asana practice is interspersed with less physically demanding curriculum, so that you’re not ‘pushing it’ three days in a row.













Enroll Now!

Program Tuition: $697


Or pay at the Center via check or credit card.

Or...Purchase an Hourly Class Card


Pick and choose from among any of the 21 workshops in the program - for example, purchase a 10-hour card, and attend any 5 of the 2-hour workshops.


10 Hour Card - $200

20 Hour Card - $360

30 Hour Card - $480

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Danville Yoga & Wellness Center




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Danville, CA 94526

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