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Sound Healing

with Maria Haswell

Saturday, Feb 1

2:00 - 3:15 pm

 Cost: $27 Drop in 
or 1 Stamp from Class Card

Advance Registration and Payment Required


Join us for our FINAL class

at the Center

on Feb 1st!

Image by Conscious Design

Energy healing and meditation are excellent paths to enriching your spirit, rejuvenating yourself, and helping you create a more restful life. Calming, clearing, and balancing your energy field is a powerful, proven path to healing.


Energy healing activates the body’s subtle energy systems to remove blocks caused by our conditioned beliefs, perception and ego. By breaking through these energetic blocks, the body’s inherent ability to heal itself is stimulated.


Energy healing can help address chronic pain, depression, anxiety, stress and other conditions that have not responded to traditional methods. Even those not contending with a health issue often find more energy or achieve a stronger spiritual connection or joy in life.​

Lying down on a yoga mat with blankets and bolsters for comfort, we begin with a guided meditation to relax and

quiet your mind, while listening to the sounds of Tibetan

and quartz crystal singing bowls.


The guided meditation and healing sounds combine to help

clear, balance and harmonize your body, mind and soul,

bringing you a sense of tranquility and calmness.


Then, each participant will receive an individual energy

healing from Maria.


Click Here to read more about Maria's Integrated Energy Healing

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