Ap-appuy and Hayju Wisdom from the Philippines
with Mamerto "Lagitan" Tindongan
Saturday, Nov 19th | 2:00 - 5:00 pm | $125 Per Person
Advance Registration AND PAYMENT Required
In this workshop, Mamerto will guide you through a shamanic journey, sharing indigenous practices and teachings to empower and transform your life.
In the Filipino tradition, Ap-appuy is an intentional gathering around a fire for story-telling. This is how knowledge is transmitted among the people of the Ifugao region in the Philippines.
For healing purposes, the Ap-appuy helps participants re-live and re-create their own life’s story, instead of just living the story prepared for them.
Our life stories have a beginning, middle, and end. It is the story ending that we can re-create - right at this moment of your life - and in alignment with how you would like it.
Hayju is a metaphor for how you can simplify your life. You don’t want unnecessary baggage that will weigh you down on your journey.
In the Hayju Wisdom, Mamerto will use sound, movement, and breath awareness to help participants make a quantum leap into alignment with their divine life’s purpose.
This shamanic journey will enable a shift in consciousness, in order to break through the thin veil that separates the physical from the spiritual body.

Please bring some personal sacred items (crystals, photos, tapestry, etc.) to include in our altar table.
These objects will represent our interconnection with each other, with ancestors, and all sentient beings.
Please do not wear any perfume, to accommodate those who are scent-sensitive.

Mamerto (Lagitan) Tindongan is an eighth-generation mumbaki (shaman) from the Philippines, initiated by his father into the lineage. He came to the United States in 1992 to attend Ohio University, where he graduated with dual master’s degrees in International Affairs and Geography. However, he chose woodcarving for his profession, drawing on the skills he had learned while growing up in Ifugao, Philippines. He is also a master in energy healing and, within this scope, teaches qi gong and tai chi classes as well.