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Sunday, Nov 24

2:30 - 4:30 pm

Cost: $45 Drop In or 2 Stamps from Class Card


Advance Registration and Payment Required




We have busy lives, and while we may sleep, we rarely take time to rest.  

Restorative yoga poses help us learn to relax and rest deeply and completely.


During deep relaxation, all the organ systems of the body are benefited.  A few of the measurable results of deep relaxation are the reduction of blood pressure, serum triglycerides and blood sugar levels in the blood, the increase of the "good cholesterol" levels,

as well as improvement in digestion, fertility, elimination, the reduction of muscle tension, insomnia and generalized fatigue.


Restorative yoga, pioneered by B.K.S. Iyengar and made widely popular by Judith Lasater, helps to eliminate fatigue and stress that

results from daily activities.  It also aids in recovery from illness, injury, and trauma.  A consistent restorative practice helps the body

be less vulnerable to stress-related illnesses and helps achieve optimal health.


Through a mindful sequence of restorative asanas, we will compassionately set up the conditions that will allow our

relaxation to unfold.  The practice combines breath awareness, readings and gentle music to create an atmosphere

that is contemplative and quieting.


Everyone is welcome - no previous yoga experience is necessary.  Please dress in layers, bring an eye pillow if you prefer. 

Socks are also nice to have to help keep your feet warm.


Dorinda is a Relax and Renew® certified restorative yoga teacher.


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